Based on your analysis of the client’s needs and subsequent research, describe your approach to this project’s interface design and your rationales. Assemble a report that includes the following components:
Requirement analysis, client goals, design question, research questions, research hypothesis, describe user research (i.e. strategy, key take-aways), Design requirements, primary, secondary, tertiary personas, design and feature inspiration, design elements, use case diagram, site map, ERD, wireframe, mockup, as well as an HTML and CSS coded prototype.
My group, ClientFirst, worked together to produce an Audience and User analysis report as well as a front end design template for our client, Elk trucking. Below are snippets of some aspects of the final report.
Due to the corona virus outbreak, we will not be able to finish this project which would involve creating and presenting a fully developed front and back-end website for the client.
High-Fidelity Prototype Walkthrough
Create a mobile application. Consisting of the executive summary, problem statement, related work, design process, design solutions, and prototype testing.
Create an e-business plan for a hypothetical business startup that will need to utilize the web and mobile applications to carry out its business objectives.
This proposal must include: Project Information and Executive Summary, Company Background, Audience User Demographics, Usability Requirements, Keyword Analysis Process, Keyword Distribution, Competition Analysis, User Personas, Project Management Methodology, Design Considerations, Search Engine Optimization Plan, Online Marketing/Advertising, Technology Selection, Hosting, Security, Website structure, Privacy/Security Policy, Usability Testing, Analytics, and Staffing & Budget.
You can find the website here
Password: smad407-1
Develop an audience analysis and media project proposal, focusing on one of the Harrisonburg clients; Traveling Olive. Consisting of four deliverables; Instagram ad, Facebook ad, a brochure, and a poster. As well as the organization background, target audience, consumer profile, communication/media objectives, message strategy description, media strategy, budget, and statement of benefits.
Create a fictitious retail company by hand coding the HTML and CSS using Adobe Dreamweaver. This project is designed to further my skills in logo design, dive deeper into the features of my hosting control panel (to password protect a site, add a domain specific email address and to learn how to create a sub-domain), as well as to understand the issues that go into creating a security/privacy policy.
The layout approach should use a "mobile-first", responsive system. The layout should contain CSS with at least two "breakpoints" so it changes layout from desktop/laptop to tablet (portrait) to smart phone. Also use a "mobile first" approach with your CSS.
You can find the site here.
Username: mclellan
Password: Smad307#
Initiate-It is a digital first, full-service advertising agency made up of a team of experienced professionals who work together to create strategic and innovative marketing plans to help companies, such as M&M's and HobbyTown, grow and develop.
This includes some of the work I completed as an intern. Including photo touch-ups for the My M&M’s campaign, a customized blog post header image, and conceptual realism social media posts for the HobbyTown campaign made on Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.